In 2023, temperatures shattered records with a 116-day streak of peak temperatures. As the urgency to address and adapt to the pressing threat of climate change rapidly grows, the financial sector recognises its pivotal role in addressing climate risks, and financial institutions are increasingly looking to integrate climate change-related risks into their strategic frameworks.   

The 2024 Climate Risk Landscape Report serves as a comprehensive resource delving into the available tools for financial institutions to assess physical and transition climate risks and boost their institution’s resilience to related impacts. This edition provides best practices for tool utilisation, case studies, and recommendations to navigate the dynamic climate risk tools market. It also offers insights into the rapidly evolving regulatory developments around climate-related disclosure frameworks and recent market developments.    

Building upon the foundational work of UNEP FI’s Climate Risk and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Programme, the report is designed for banks, insurers and investors looking to enhance their capabilities in climate risk management and facilitate the global transition towards sustainability. 


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