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Banking, News | 19 March 2024

The Principles for Responsible Banking Academy launches new course on nature for bankers

Today, The Principles for Responsible Banking Academy (PRB Academy) has launched its latest course, titled "Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking," aimed at educating banking professionals globally on the significance of nature for the planet, society, businesses, and the economy given the pivotal role of banks in safeguarding and restoring the environment.

Banking, News, Principles for Responsible Banking, Social | 21 February 2024

UNEP FI launches newest guidance on Financial Health and Inclusion for banks

The new Principles for Responsible guidance titled, "Driving Impact on Financial Health and Inclusion of Individuals and Businesses: From Setting Targets to Implementation" is set to support financial institutions advance the financial well-being of their customers, by providing a comprehensive framework for financial institutions to build robust strategies, set impactful targets, and implement informed actions to drive impact in the realm of financial well-being and inclusion.

Nature, News, Social | 17 January 2024

Gender and nature risk management: A four pillar approach for financial institutions

With over half of the world’s total GDP (circa $58 trillion of economic value) being moderately or highly dependent on nature, the degradation of our natural capital represents an escalating threat to our ecosystems, and to the financial stability of nations and organizations. Since the launch of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), financial institutions have been increasingly recognizing the benefits of assessing and mitigating nature-related capital risks. Yet, the gender component in nature-risk management is often overlooked. In this article, you will discover a four-pillar structure mirroring the TNFD to incorporate gender-responsive strategies in nature-risk management.

Climate Change, News | 11 December 2023

UNEP FI at COP28: Watch recordings

At COP28, UNEP FI will bring to the attention of policymakers the progress being made by members as they develop the tools and guidance to decarbonize their businesses and implement the commitments they have made through various events.