
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News, Policy, Themes | 29 March 2023

Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance sets expectations for oil and gas investments and calls on companies and policymakers to align with 1.5C pathways

The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance publishes its Position on the Oil and Gas Sector, setting new requirements for members and formulating key expectations for oil and gas companies (produces and consumers) and policymakers.

Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, Publications, Themes | 29 March 2023

Position on the Oil and Gas Sector

The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance's Position on the Oil and Gas Sector sets out clear expectations for the three key stakeholder groups: investors, oil and gas companies, and policymakers. Alliance members shall incorporate the guidelines into their individual internal policies in 12 months following the publication. The expectations for companies and policymakers are directed to these actors as well as to Alliance members, who may use them as guidelines for engagement.

Uncategorised | 21 July 2021

A Legal Framework for Impact

A legal framework for considering sustainability impact in investor decision making. Discover the report findings which form the basis of a multi-year work programme led by UNEP FI, PRI and The Generation Foundation.

Uncategorised | 31 July 2019

UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance

The UN-Convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) is a finance sector initiative comprised of institutional investors committed to portfolio decarbonization (net zero GHG emissions) by 2050 – consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C. This page offers introduction on NZAOA and links to its members and key publications.