Alice Steenland
Director, Innovation, AXA Group

Representing UNEP FI member: AXA Group (France)

Connect with Alice Steenland on LinkedIn


I am applying for a position within the Global Steering Committee because of my continued commitment to sustainable finance and my continued belief that the UN Finance Initiative has always played, and should continue to play, a central and unique role in its development.

I was an active contributor to the drafting and launch of the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), and have served as a Board member of the PSI since its creation. The experience allowed me to witness first-hand the convening power of the UN and the capacity of global initiatives of this kind to build both alignment and momentum across an industry.

Now, I believe we are living in a turning point in history, and are at a crossroads for what has grown into a global sustainable finance movement. The appetite amongst investors for sustainability has never been higher, while key national governments across the world are taking steps backwards in terms of sustainable development. In the coming months and years it is possible that the engine of transformation is no longer regulation but the financial and economic business case for change.

Now, more than ever, institutions like the UN have a role to play in bringing together broad coalitions of leaders with a vision of what sustainable financial markets can and should look like in order to drive meaningful change throughout the global economy. I would be happy to contribute to this mission by participating in the Global Steering Committee.


Alice Steenland is currently a Director and member of the Executive Leadership Team of AXA Next, the new Innovation Business Unit of the AXA Group.

Alice joined the AXA Group in September 2008 as AXA’s first Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer. Under her tenure, AXA moved into a leadership position in global sustainability rankings (Best Global Green Brand, Dow Jones Sustainability Index, etc.), landed a position as the #1 insurance stock pick of responsible investors globally, and became the first global insurance company to pioneer both impact investing as well as coal and tobacco divestment, amongst other accomplishments.

Alice was formerly the Director of Investor Research at Vigeo, a leading ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings agency. Prior to joining Vigeo, Alice worked in the business consulting division of Arthur Andersen, and acted as an independent consultant in the field of strategic planning for Save the Children USA.

She has been a member of the Boards of the United Nations Principles for Sustainable Insurance, AXA Matrix, and Admical, and is currently a member of the Advisory Council of IDDRI and of the Yale School of Management’s Council of Global Advisors. She regularly gives talks on sustainability and sustainable finance at conferences and universities.

Alice received her Bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from Stanford University and holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management.