Elena Flor
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Intesa Sanpaolo

Representing UNEP FI member: Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy)

Connect with Elena Flor on LinkedIn


Having followed the sustainability issues for so long within my bank, at national level, but also on the international field which is now our natural comparison arena, and having also been stimulated by the many meetings with SRI investors or more generally with investors that integrate ESG analysis within their managed funds, I think I could both contribute to the work of UNEP FI with my experience and also receive important stimula for programmes and initiatives to implement within my company. Having been a signatory of UNEP FI for so long (more or less 15 years) I would be excited to be part of the Steering Committee and experience the issues and discussions from inside. The importance of the environmental/ climate change themes have experienced an enormous growth, especially since the Paris agreement. We are working hard in my organization on this field, as testified by the inclusion of Intesa Sanpaolo in the main sustainability indexes and rankings. While it is important to be at the forefront I also think that only a common and shared effort can be effective and give the expected results, so that bigger companies have the responsibility to open the way for others, maybe smaller. Public and private bodies, profit and non-profit organizations must work together and I think that the UNEP FI , with its commitment and push to direct political decision-makers, can help the legislator to assist this transition and can generate a positive momentum for steps forward.

I would certainly put ali my energy and enthusiasm to fulfill these ideas and common goals.


I began my path in sustainable finance in 2002 when, while working as personal assistant to the CEO of my bank, Sanpaolo IMI, I became secretary of the Ethics Committee of the Bank and then responsible for CSR. As such I set up a sustainability reporting and fostered initiatives in the CSR field, such as policies (starting from the Code of Ethics) and projects, with a direct link to the governance bodies. I was responsible of following the adhesion to the international initiatives, like UNEP FI, UN Global Compact, Equator Principles and national ones, such as the Italian SIF, and of the Bank’s donations. After the merger with Intesa in 2007 I remained in the CSR Department covering various tasks and lately I focused my attention in particular on the relationship with SRI investors and on ESG assessments and indexes and fostered the adoption of the LBG standard. I formulated various communication and training initiatives on CSR issues meant for internal and external stakeholders. When in 2016 I was appointed Head of CSR I focused my attention on planning initiatives at strategic level on the sustainability side, on the evolution of the non financial reporting, on climate change issues and on the SRI investors/ assessments, alongside a strong (mainly internal) communication effort. I am Board member of the Italian SIF (Forum for Sustainable Finance) to support the spread of sustainable investment practices. I keep also working on studies on the evolution of the monetary and financial system, being the Secretary General of the Robert Triffin International, an institute based in Louvain-Ia-Neuve.