UNEP FI is committed to exploring the interconnection between human rights and financial sector practices. As part of this commitment, we released the Human Rights Guidance Tool to provide guidance for finance practitioners on human rights impact management. The tool includes background information and context on human rights and finance, with a focus on specific issues relating to different industry sectors, geographies and human rights issues. In 2024, UNEP FI is updating the Human Rights Tool and will expand the resources available to members into a Human Rights Resource Kit.

Explore the Human Rights Tool

In 2022, the UN General Assembly unanimously voted to recognize the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. UNEP FI is committed to helping its members understand the impact of the right to a healthy environment on their business operations. 

UNEP FI members can also join the Human Rights Community of Practice to participate in facilitated peer sharing and give feedback on the development of a Human Rights Resource Kit for members.