UNEP FI 한국그룹은 한국에 소재하고 있는 모든 UNEP FI 회원들로 구성되어 있습니다한국그룹은 회원사들이 함께 모여 지속가능성 관련 이슈들을 논의하고 활동하는데 필요한 장을 제공하고 있습니다또한 지속가능금융의 활성화를 위해 비회원 금융기관들을 위한 활동도 펼쳐나가고 있습니다.

The Korea Group consists of all UNEP FI members based in South Korea. The Group provides a forum for South Korean members to work together and address some country-specific sustainability priorities and gaps. It also serves to reach out to non-member financial institutions in South Korea.

Korea Group webpages in Korean
  • 교보생명 (Kyobo Life Insurance)
  • 삼성생명 (Samsung Life Insurance)
  • 삼성화재 (Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance)
  • 수협은행 (Suhyup Bank)
  • 신한금융그룹 (Shinhan Financial Group)
  • 신한라이프 (Shinhan Life Insurance)
  • 우리금융그룹 (Woori Financial Group)
  • 하나금융그룹 (Hana Financial Group)
  • 하나증권 (Hana Securities)
  • 한화생명 (Hanwha Life Insurance)
  • BNK금융그룹 (BNK Financial Group)
  • DB손해보험 (DB Insurance)
  • DGB금융그룹 (DGB Financial Group)
  • IBK기업은행 (Industrial Bank of Korea, IBK)
  • JB금융그룹 (JB Financial Group)
  • KB금융그룹 (KB Financial Group)
  • KB손해보험 (KB Insurance)
  • NH농협금융그룹 (NH Nonghyup Financial Group)
  • NH농협손해보험 (NH Nonghyup Property & Casualty Insurance)
  • NH농협생명 (NH Nonghyup Life Insurance)
  • SK증권 (SK Securities)
Supporting Institutions
  • 금융감독원 (Financial Supervisory Service, FSS)
  • 기술보증기금 (Korea Technology Finance Corporation, KOTEC/KIBO)
  • 예금보험공사 (Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, KDIC)
  • 전국은행연합회 (Korea Federation of Banks, KFB)
  • 재단법인 은행권청년창업재단 (디캠프) (Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs, d.camp)
  • 한국사회책임투자포럼 (Korea Sustainability Investing Forum, KoSIF)
  • 한국환경산업기술원 (Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, KEITI)
  • 환경재단 (Korea Green Foundation)
Organizations with MOU
  • 국회예산정책처 (National Assembly Budget Office, NABO)
  • 한국환경산업기술원 (Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute, KEITI)
  • 임대웅 한국대표 겸 아세안 자문관, Dae-Woong Lim, dae-woong.lim@un.org, +82 10 3211 0430
  • 강주현 한국-아태 지역 보좌관, Angela Joo-Hyun Kang, joo.kang@un.org, +82 10 4922 5964