This report outlines the valuable insights gained and significant findings obtained from a global pilot project initiated by UNEP FI in conjunction with 20 financial institutions. The purpose of this pilot (May to June 2023) was to assess current needs and challenges to get started on the reporting of nature-related risks, based on the TNFD’s framework. This pilot testing aimed to specifically assess an integrated climate-nature approach to sustainability reporting, looking at existing synergies between the TCFD-TNFD frameworks and climate-nature scenarios.
UNEP FI is one of the founding partners and implementation collaborators to the TNFD. Following the release of the TNFD Recommendations in September 2023, UNEP FI will continue this supportive role in 2024 through its now renamed TNFD Implementation Programme. Through this programme, UNEP FI is actively gauging support from the private financial sector to support the TNFD’s Early Adopter efforts towards the advancement of the TNFD’s mission—namely, to enable business and finance to integrate nature into decision making, and support a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes.