UNEP FI has been working closely with the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to support its plans in the transition to a Green Economy. Financing is a major factor in fulfilling the UAE’s ‘Green Agenda’ and a key element in supporting and facilitating sustainable development. This financing covers a range of projects, businesses, industry, organisations and general events and campaigns.
Within this framework and as a first step to encourage the embedding of green and sustainable finance in the UAE, UNEP FI has worked with MoEW to develop an online questionnaire to map out the current state of green finance in the UAE and ascertain the current funding practices of green projects. The study will conclude by the end of August and will highlight the challenges and expectations of the market. A summary of the outcomes of the survey will be published but without identifying individual institutions or respondents. Any questions will be responded to at greendevelopment@moew.gov.ae or by telephoning 04 214 8512.
Survey part 1
Survey part 2