Today the PSI Initiative launched the Global Resilience Project, which aims to tackle natural disaster risk by identifying the most effective measures to combat disasters and helping communities implement them. Led by Insurance Australia Group, the PSI Global Resilience Project has just completed its first phase. This assessed the effectiveness of a range of disaster risk reduction measures across the three most devastating types of natural hazard—cyclone, earthquake and flood. The findings are outlined in a new report, Building disaster-resilient communities and economies. Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Under-Secretary-General of the UN said, “As we transform the global economy into one that is low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive – a key topic under discussion this week at the first United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi as we look for ways to bring in more capital investment to finance this transition – we must also adapt and invest in making our communities and economies climate and disaster-resilient. The Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative harnesses the wealth of risk management expertise in the insurance industry and is putting it to work to find solutions for global sustainability challenges.” The global report was presented at a UN event in London convening insurance industry leaders and key stakeholders. Read the press release. View the report (launch version) (PDF 7.2 MB). More information here.