Man-made environmental damage cost £4 trillion in 2008, says UN 6 Oct 2010 – Man-made environmental damage in 2008 cost the planet an equivalent of $6.6 trillion (£4 trillion), according to an analysis by the United Nations. Read more. World’s top firms cause $2.2tn of environmental damage, report estimates Report for the UN into the activities of the world’s 3,000 biggest companies estimates one-third of profits would be lost if firms were forced to pay for use, loss and damage of environment. Read more. Nature’s sting: The real cost of damaging Planet Earth You don’t have to be an environmentalist to care about protecting the Earth’s wildlife. Just ask a Chinese fruit farmer who now has to pay people to pollinate apple trees because there are no longer enough bees to do the job for free. And it’s not just the number of bees that is dwindling rapidly – as a direct result of human activity, species are becoming extinct at a rate 1,000 times greater than the natural average. Read more. Saving nature, economies at stake in Japan U.N. talks A U.N.-backed study this month said global environmental damage caused by human activity in 2008 totaled $6.6 trillion, equivalent to 11 percent of global gross domestic product. Read the Article