Launch of the E-RISC report in Sydney, London and New York Following an 18 month preparatory period in 2010 and 2011, the E-RISC (Environmental Risk in Sovereign Credit analysis) kicked off in 2012 with the objective to assess the materiality of natural resource risks and environmental impacts for sovereign credit risk. It was initiated by UNEP FI, Global Footprint Network and a number of asset owners, investment managers and information providers. We invite UNEP FI members and the wider financial community active in (sovereign) fixed income to join us for events that are scheduled in Sydney (9 November), London (19 November) and New York (11 December). More information here. Register for E-RISC event Sydney (9 November) Register for E-RISC event London (19 November) Register for E-RISC event New York (12 December)