UNEP FI would like to announce the release of the Natural Capital Declaration (NCD) Roadmap. The Roadmap sets out a plan, providing preliminary guidance on how the four commitments in the Natural Capital Declaration can be implemented by the finance industry. The release of the NCD Roadmap marks the transition from phase I of the NCD to phase II. Phase I refers to the preparation period that included six consultation workshops over an 18 month period in 2010 and 2011, which led to the launch of the Natural Capital Declaration at the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June 2012. By the time of the launch, the NCD had been endorsed by the CEOs of 37 financial institutions. Phase II of the NCD focuses on enabling financial institutions to implement the four core commitments through the development of the appropriate tool, metrics and frameworks. The NCD Roadmap lays out this process and provides a framework for the activities each of the four Working Groups, tasked with incorporating Natural Capital considerations into the financial decision making process. View the publication here.