Corporate sustainability reporting in focus in opinion piece from UNEP FI’s David Pitt-Watson The time is ripe for a global policy framework on corporate sustainability reporting, says the Chair of UNEP FI’s Investment Commission David Pitt-Watson in an opinion article recently published in various newspapers across the globe. Co-authored with UNEP’s head Achim Steiner and other advocates of a reporting reform, the article argues that despite existing guidelines and standards, there is a need to level the playing field with a global agreement on reporting. A recent survey of stock exchange respondents has found that 80 per cent of those responding wanted a global approach to sustainability reporting, notes the article. “A range of commitments will be before world leaders in Rio in a few weeks time. Evolving sustainability reporting onto a higher, more widespread and legally-grounded level, ideally in the form of a future convention, should be firmly on their radar,” concludes the article. More information here.