With one-third of all global emissions generated by buildings, current levels of investment in energy efficient buildings need an estimated increase of USD 300 Billion per year by 2020. For the buildings sector to contribute to a below 2°C pathway, therefore, a coalition led by UNEP FI today presents a new briefing on Integrating Climate Risks in Real Estate to send a signal of support to governments at COP and to call on other investors to scale up their investments in energy efficient and sustainable buildings.
In parallel, there is unprecedented mobilisation by banks and investors on energy efficiency aimed at driving action on the policy side.
At COP21, UNEP FI is today co-convening the finance session/panel of the first ever COP Buildings Day, where a new Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC) is being launched to catalyse greater collaboration between real estate stakeholders and organisations to achieve greater scale and increase the pace of transformative action.
Briefing: Integrating Climate Risks in Real Estate
French version
Press release

Discussion group at the COP Buildings Day