Poste Vita is currently the Italian market leader in the life insurance business.
Poste Vita S.p.A. (“Poste Vita”) was founded in Naples in 1996. Poste Vita and its subsidiaries offer a comprehensive range of insurance, pension, investment and savings products through Italiane S.pA.’s extensive network. The core business of the Group is mainly divided between the life segment through Poste Vita and non-life segment through Poste Assicura S.p.A.. In particular, the life segment carried out by Poste Vita is mainly related to insurance segregated funds while the non-life segment activity carried out by Poste Assicura is mainly related to protection insurance products with the exclusion of motor third party liability produ
Poste Vita, as one of the main players in the Italian insurance sector, wishes to become one of the most influential companies in terms of disseminating a sustainable culture through an effective integration of ESG criteria into insurance and financial transactions. This goal is part of the broader sustainability action plan of our parent company Poste italiane S.pA. that we are committed to follow as a subsidiary with a specific role in the financial sector.
Poste Vita mainly operated in Italy but has several activities spread out all over the world.