Brief Overview of Organization
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica is the preeminent and most digitized financial conglomerate in Costa Rica, offering the best experience to the client, obtaining levels of profitability sufficient to grow and support the development of the country and ensuring an excellent level of organizational health.
Summary of Sustainability Strategy
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica has as Comprehensive Sustainability Policy: “Promote economic, social and environmental development, adopting the best Sustainability practices in its strategy, credit operations, value chain and immediate environment, in accordance with country’s initiatives.” It is a Bank with a corporate governance that is committed to promoting the adaptation of a business model sustainable for the execution of the commercial activities of the organization. As a financial entity, the bank is aligned with the commitment to meet the goals of the development objectives Sustainable Development of the United Nations and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
In its strategic plan, the Bank sets a relevant objective “Generate value for economic, social and environmental development of the country”, a goal that is met by promoting 8 major country commitments, grouped into 4 dimensions:
Economic dimension:·
- Sustainable Finance
- Identification of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risks
- Strengthening of the value chain
Social dimension:·
- Finance for Development
- Financial Education
- Relationship with stakeholders
- Organizational and employee health
Environmental dimension:·
- Institutional environmental management.·
- Governance
- Strong Corporate Governance
- Ethics
- Transparency
- Human Rights
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica is a bank with a purpose, listening to stakeholders and making their lives easier, through actions that make it more humane and sustainable.