Have you booked your place at the upcoming Annual Banking Conference 2024? One of the Chartered Banker Institute’s flagship events, and supported by UNEP FI, the two-day conference will be held between 6th-7th November under the fascinating theme “Optimising Banking in a Digital Age: People, Professionalism and Technology”, with topics split across two days:

  • Day One – Navigating the Bank of the Future, Today: The importance of building the foundations of a responsible banking culture in banking has never been so critical, as we navigate AI-driven technology that provides both benefits and risks to the profession, its customers, and society more widely. Day One will focus on bank leadership, bringing in important themes of professionalism, expertise and community to outline how we can navigate the bank of the future.
  • Day Two – How to Make Organisations More Intelligent in the Era of Digital Transformation: With AI and technology emerging across the sector, it is critical for financial organisations to consider how to become more inclusive and reflective of their customer base, deliver products and services match their audience needs, and make ethical decisions. Day Two will feature two panels outlining how to make organisations more intelligent, with a second panel providing an in-depth focus on ethical leadership and decision-making in the age of AI.

To book your place at one or both day(s), please visit The Institute’s website here.