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Robert G. Eccles

Robert G. Eccles

Harvard University, Business School

Professor of Management Practice

He is first joined the faculty in 1979 and received tenure in 1989. He left in 1993 to work in the private sector and rejoined the faculty in 2007. He is the author of One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy (with Michael P. Krzus), which is the first book on this subject. Professor Eccles continues his active research program on integrated reporting. Within the past few years a new trend has begun for “integrated reporting,” in which a company combines its financial and non-financial reports into “One Report” with varying degrees of integration. With HBS Professor Amy Edmondson, Dr. Eccles has started a major research project on innovative business models for sustainable urbanization.

Speaking at these times

14:00 - 15:30 Grand Ballroom 3 Sustainable Stock Exchanges: Integrating Sustainability into Capital Markets