How can we redesign the global economy to bring it in line with the ecological thresholds? How can economic and financial policies and practices play a far greater role in addressing climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

On March 27-28, over 350 ministers, heads of UN Agencies, business and thought leaders, representatives from civil society and development partners will convene in Berlin at the PAGE Ministerial Conference 2017 to discuss what it takes to further a “just transition” to economies which are more inclusive, stable and sustainable.

UNEP FI is co-ordinating “green investment” sessions to explore ways in which policymaking could more effectively harness capital markets to set pathways towards low-carbon, resilient and sustainable economies. Head, Eric Usher, will speak along with UNEP FI members to examine links between transparency frameworks and market innovation that in concert could stimulate green finance that delivers positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.

Questions to address will include:

  1. What conditions will enable the financial sector’s potential role in delivering environmental protection, equitable growth and job creation?
  2. How can decision-makers shape financial market development that supports inclusive, green and stable production systems?

Please click here for more information on the agenda and other speakers.

UNEP FI members who are interested in attending this invitation only high-level event should contact Liesel van Ast at