UNEP FI member SEB, which is recognized as a pioneer and leading knowledge provider on Green Bonds, and the German International Cooperation (GIZ) have joined forces in a strategic alliance to promote and support the development of strong environmental, market and transparency standards in Emerging Green Bond Markets.
The strategic alliance delivers capacity building workshops addressing key stakeholder groups for green bonds: potential issuers, investors, underwriters, regulators and potential verifiers. During these workshops, leading finance and climate science experts (academic partner: CICERO) share their knowledge and hands-on technical expertise on the following themes: Definition, Selection, Verification, Monitoring & Reporting as well as further Market Aspects. Please see the attached info sheet on the SEB-GIZ Strategic Alliance for more details.
UNEP FI members are invited to join these capacity building workshops on Green Bonds at no cost. The next workshops are scheduled as follows:
- 4th & 5th April in Sao Paulo
We will circulate the invitations for each workshop through the respective regional coordinators.
To express your interest in the training sessions, or if you have further questions, please contact simone.dettling@unep.org, or download the factsheet.