The UNEP FI Annual General Meeting is a unique and informative platform in which members determine the direction of the Initiative. Please note that members are required, under their terms of membership, to attend at least one AGM every two years. Further, we encourage members to attend as many AGMs as possible beyond this requirement.

Summary of the AGM
2019 Voting Results

All five voting items have been approved as follows:

  • Approval of the Summary Record from the 2018 Annual General Meeting
  • Approval of the UNEP FI Governance Framework revision proposal
  • Approval of the 2018 Financial Report
  • Approval of the proposed 2020 budget
  • Approval of the proposed 2021 membership fee
UNEP FI Governance Framework

The updated Governance Framework is found here.

2021 fee schedule

Membership Update

UNEP FI has 289 members as at end of September 2019 and welcomed 63 new members since the last AGM as below. Rüdiger Senft, Head of Sustainability, Commerzbank as a new members introduced themselves and stated that they had made a commitment to our customers that we would be walking the talk and want to be the bank that supports the transition to our customers.

ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.
ABSA Group Limited
AIB Group plc
Bank of Alexandria (ALEXBANK)
Amalgamated Bank
American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company Ltd
AMERRA Capital Management, LLC
Arion Bank
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A.
Banco de Crédit Social Cooperativo (Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar)
Banco de la Produccion S.A Produbanco
Banco de la Producción, S.A
Banco Popular Dominicano
Banco Promerica de Costa Rica, S.A.
Banco Sabadell S.A
Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd.
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.
Banque Misr
BBVA Banco Francés S.A
Blue Oceans Capital
Caixa Econômica Federal
Caixa Geral de Depositos S.A. (CGD).
Caja Laboral Popular Coop. de Credit (LABORAL Kutxa)
CBRE Global Investors
CDG Capital
Commerzbank AG
Crédit Agricole S.A.
De Volksbank
Desjardins Insurance
Eagle Point Credit Management LLC
Ecology Building Society
Fana Sparebank
Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited
Gatehouse Bank Plc
Global Climate Partnership Fund
Globalance Bank AG
GLS Bank eG
Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer (GFBB) (BBVA Mexico)
Hua Xia Bank CO., Limited
Innovation Credit Union Ltd
Jaiz Bank Plc
Jyske Bank A/S
Lloyd’s Banking Group
Maha Agriculture Microfinance
National Bank of Canada
Nomura Holdings, Inc.
Nykredit A/S
OP Financial Group
Poste Vita S.p.A
Sompo Seguros S.A
SpareBank 1 SMN
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank
Sparebanken Vest
Suncorp Group
The Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited
Türkiye Kalkınma ve Yatırım Bankası A.Ş./Development and Investment Bank of Turkey
Willis Towers Watson

2020 workplan

The 2020 workplan was presented by the Global Steering Committee members at the in-person AGM. Reference: The integrated workplan (July 2019 to June 2020)

2020 Global Roundtable

It was announced the UNEP FI’s 16th Global Roundtable will be held in Mexico City on 13–14 October 2020.

2019 Annual General Meetings

Webinar: Thursday 7 November 2019 | 8:00-09:30 CET and 16:00-17:30 CET (two session choices)

UNEP FI holds AGMs-by-webinar a few weeks ahead of the AGMs-in-person. This allows us to discuss administrative and governance issues so that the in-person meetings can focus on more substantive and programmatic discussions. This year’s AGM-by-Webinar was held on Thursday 7 November 2019 at the following times. Please note that the two sessions were identical to cater for different time zones.

  1. 08:00-09:00 Central European Time – Chaired by Jacki Johnson, UNEP FI Global Steering Committee (GSC) member and GSC Advisor for Budgeting & Financial Reporting.
  2. 16:00-17:00 Central European Time – Chaired by Toni Ballabriga, Co-Chair of the UNEP FI Global Steering Committee.

In-person: 8:20-9:30, Friday 29 November 2019 | European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL), Luxembourg (held at the European Regional Roundtable)

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact