
Asia Pacific, Events, News, Regions, Social, Themes, Webinars | 25 March 2021

Integrating Human Rights into Risk Management: With Thai Govt Pension Fund and Thai Stock Exchange

For investors (institutional investors and asset managers), banks, financial regulators, other financial industry actors, and corporates in Thailand and in the region. The session guides participants in developing their understanding of what is human rights, what are some of the infringements seen in business activities in Thailand and internationally, and what are the best practices by investors and banks to protect human rights.

Asia Pacific, Banking, Events, Social, Webinars | 28 May 2020

Workshop on banking and human rights for ASEAN-region banks (By invitation only)

Join us on a virtual introductory workshop on banking and human rights issues for ASEAN banks. It will include an overview of human rights issues related to businesses in ASEAN and how this relates to banks under both hard and soft laws; how banks in the region are tackling human rights; and a live exercise to develop an ASEAN human rights risk heatmap with the help of experts. The workshop is side event of the UN Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights, 9-12 June.

Events, News, Social | 21 February 2018

Human Rights and Finance: next steps for EU Policy

ShareAction and partners organize a discussion at the European Parliament on the means to ensure a strong role for human rights in the future of European financial regulation, in the context of the upcoming European Commission's Sustainable Action Plan. UNEP FI engages is dialogue on the role of human rights due diligence in the legal duties of investors and company directors.

Events, News, Social | 12 December 2017

Social inclusion and human rights in finance: a view from Asia Pacific

The meeting looked at how financial institutions, in addition to applying human rights due diligence in their business, tackled social issues specific to the region. It also highlighted global trends from the finance and human rights agenda to inform local financial institutions in their approaches to human rights issues, and introduced the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB), developed in 2017 with strong support from investors as a tool enabling businesses to better understand and act on corporate human rights performance.

Events, News, Social, Webinars | 05 December 2017

Webinar: Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Finance – Indigenous Peoples Rights and Free, Prior and Informed Consent

The webinar, organized jointly by Agence française de développement, the Inter-American Development Bank and UNEP Finance Initiative, will take a glimpse into the current landscape of standards and practices related to indigenous peoples’ rights and stakeholder engagement, with a focus on the free, prior and informed consent principle. It will also consider barriers to the principle implementation and solutions to address them. It will be set up as a platform of knowledge exchange between industry representatives and human rights experts working with indigenous groups and on stakeholder engagement in business.