07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Nature, Publications, Risk | 16 April 2022
Are you ready for nature-related disclosures?
This report presents the results of a corporate sector market readiness assessment on their journey to acknowledge nature-related risk management…
Climate Change, Publications, Risk | 31 March 2022
Managing Transition Risk in Real Estate: Aligning to the Paris Climate Accord
Real estate faces significant transition risks as economies decarbonize. To mitigate the impact of potential transition risks, financial institutions active…
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 31 March 2022
The Climate Risk Tool Landscape: 2022 supplement
The financial sector has a central role to play in assessing and managing climate-related risks. To do so, many financial…
Nature, Publications, Risk | 03 March 2022
Testing a nature-related risk framework in the consumer staples sector
A new report from Global Canopy and UNEP FI identifies key challenges that corporates and financial institutions face in assessing, managing…
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 14 January 2022
Leadership strategies for client engagement: Advancing climate-related assessments
This report is designed to support the financial sector to improve assessment and interactions with clients in line with net zero plans. It has been created as part of the UNEP FI TCFD programme and builds on the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership’s Banking Environment Initiative Let’s Discuss Climate: the essential guide to bank-client engagement.
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 14 January 2022
Climate Tango: Principles for integrating physical and transition climate risk assessment with sectoral examples
This report produced by the UNEP FI TCFD programme and ClimateWise explores the combined financial impact of physical and transition risks. It includes theoretical principles and practical steps for implementation of an integrated assessment of physical and transition risks with examples of sectoral analysis.
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 06 December 2021
Good Practice Guide to Climate Stress Testing
UNEP FI’s Comprehensive Good Practice Guide to Climate Stress Testing is a detailed user guide for financial institutions looking to…
Africa & Middle East, Climate Change, Publications, Risk | 11 November 2021
Climate risk regulation in Africa’s financial sector and related private sector initiatives
This report highlights the state of climate risk regulation in Africa’s financial sector and presents an analysis of the financial stability architecture and climate risk initiatives in 12 selected deep-dive countries. It also highlights challenges hindering the integration of climate risk by financial sector authorities in Africa and offers potential areas of support for the key stakeholders in the finance ecosystem.
Climate Change, Publications, Risk | 20 April 2021
Liability Risk and Adaptation Finance
UNEP FI has partnered with MinterEllison to examine the impact of litigation in adaptation finance and address some of the challenges in scaling up adaptation capital identified in the GCA Adaptation Finance Paper published in 2019. This collaboration led to the publication of “The Forgotten Climate-related Financial Risk: Liability Impacts on Adaptation and Adaptation Finance“ in April 2021.
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 17 February 2021
The Climate Risk Landscape: Mapping Climate-related Financial Risk Assessment Methodologies
The Climate Risk Landscape: Mapping Climate-related Financial Risk Assessment Methodologies provides a summary of the key developments across third party…