Pollution & Circular Economy

Energy Efficiency, Events, News | 10 November 2017

Energy efficiency in buildings: how to accelerate investments?

This high-level conference will take stock, two years after COP 21, of the significant committments by banks and investors on energy efficiency and identify ways to scale up energy efficiency investment. The event will culminate in a high-level segment with UNEP FI member CEO representation and occurs the day before the summit organised by the French President on the Paris Agreement.

Energy Efficiency, Europe, Events, News, Webinars | 07 September 2017

Webinar: Deployment of Energy Efficient Mortgages in Europe

The European Union's Energy Union Framework Strategy includes energy efficiency as one of its five dimensions and states it is to be considered as an energy source in its own right. The ambitious Paris climate agreement also underlines the importance of energy efficiency. To realise its full potential, public funds will not suffice and private financing will have to be unlocked on a large scale. This webinar, organised in partnership with the European Commission, will discuss the use of energy efficient mortgages in Europe. Register by 22 September 2017.

Energy Efficiency, Events, News, Webinars | 24 August 2017

UNEP FI Member Webinar: Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group – Consultation on the Third Phase

The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) is a partnership between UN Environment Finance Initiative and the European Commission to scale up energy efficiency financing and investment. This webinar for UNEP FI members is to seek your views on the future development of EEFIG, which will enter its third phase in 2018.