07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Pollution & Circular Economy
Events, Pollution & Circular Economy, Training, Webinars | 18 August 2022
Serie de webinars sobre Financiamiento de Economía Circular
UNEP FI, UNEP, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), BID Invest, el eco.business Development Facility y su Academia de Sostenibilidad, GO4SDGs, y Circular Economy Coalition organizan una serie de webinars sobre "Financiación de la Economía Circular".
Insurance, Nature, Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications, Risk | 27 June 2022
New risks, new opportunities: Harnessing environmental pollution liability insurance for a sustainable economy
Environmental pollution liability insurance has been around for several decades but its full potential to address both traditional pollution risks…
Events, Pollution & Circular Economy | 23 May 2022
Financing Circularity: for a sustainable recovery and green jobs
Stockholm+50 Side Event Changing consumption and production patterns, scaling up circularity and sustainable finance are key themes that have emerged…
Blue Finance, Nature, Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications | 03 March 2022
Diving Deep: Finance, Ocean Pollution and Coastal Resilience
A science-based, actionable toolkit for banks, insurers and investors to align decision-making with a sustainable blue economy. The Diving Deep Guidance helps financial institutions to break the pollution cycle, including plastics and other solid waste, and manage the impacts of coastal infrastructure projects such as seawalls, while exploring the potential of nature-based solutions including mangroves and reefs. Featuring inspirational photographs by Cristina Mittermeier.
Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications | 13 October 2020
Financing Circularity: Demystifying Finance for the Circular Economy
There is an urgent need to transition to economies that embed circularity and are aligned with global sustainable consumption and…
News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 13 October 2020
Driving the shift to circular economies: new report on role of finance industry
Financial institutions can and must make the shift to circularity, ensuring the consumption and production patterns of the businesses they…
Blue Finance, Insurance, Nature, Pollution & Circular Economy, Publications | 28 November 2019
Unwrapping the risks of plastic pollution to the insurance industry
Plastic is an increasingly high-profile threat to our climate, ocean, wildlife and human health as it becomes widespread both in…
Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Publications | 18 October 2019
G20 Energy Efficiency Finance and Investment 2019 Stocktake Report
Banks, investors, insurers and regulators are increasingly analyzing and adapting their financial strategies taking into account the risks and opportunities…
Energy Efficiency, Investment, News | 18 October 2019
Taking stock of energy efficiency finance and investment by the G20: new report from UNEP FI and IPEEC presents leading practice
Building on the outcomes of the G20 Global Summit on Financing Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Clean Technology which was held…
Energy Efficiency, Investment, News | 12 June 2019
Senior financiers, investors and policy-makers agree importance of boosting energy efficiency investment at official G20 side event
Tokyo, Japan, 12 June 2019 – At the G20 Global Summit on Financing Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Clean Technology, the CEOs…