07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Blue Finance, Nature, News | 30 September 2021
4 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the maritime transportation sector
With the Zero and Low-emission Innovation Forum - co-hosted by the IMO and UNEP - having been held this week, the transformation of the maritime transportation sector is taking centre stage this autumn. In this article we look at some of the leading examples of best practice in social and environmental sustainability across the maritime transportation sector which banks, insurers and investors can seek out.
Nature, News | 30 September 2021
Global businesses and financial firms join TNFD to tackle nature-related risks
The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) announces taskforce members and launch of consultative forum, leveraging global nature and finance expertise. Taskforce Members will work with TNFD Co-Chairs to deliver the Framework in the next two years.
Africa & Middle East, Climate Change, Events | 23 September 2021
Workshops: Climate Risks and TCFD for banks and regulators in Egypt – Phase II
UNEP FI and the Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) have partnered to deliver a series of workshops on climate risks, opportunities, and disclosures focusing on the Egyptian Banking industry. They will explore regionally specific physical and transition risks for the Arab region.
Asia Pacific, Climate Change, News, Regions | 23 September 2021
Thailand flexes financial muscle to grapple with climate crisis
It is increasingly recognized that the finance and banking sectors can have a huge influence on the economy, through the way that they decide to invest in, and fund, businesses, and in Thailand, the UN is helping the government to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable finance.
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Investment, News | 23 September 2021
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance backs call to scale-up carbon removal from atmosphere
Asset owners must immediately scale investment into impactful carbon management and negative emissions technologies both inside and outside of value…
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Publications | 23 September 2021
The Net in Net Zero: The role of negative emissions in achieving climate alignment for asset owners
This Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance position paper presents the basis for scaling carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions, including a mix of land-based carbon sinks, nature-based solutions and technological carbon removal approaches, which are essential for alignment to a 1.5°C pathway.
Events, Nature, News | 21 September 2021
How can financial institutions support and benefit from ocean health?
A healthy ocean is key for a sustainable future both for people and the planet. Join this webinar to learn more about practical steps financial institutions can take to align their activities with ocean health and hear from pioneers and experts in the field of ocean finance.
Climate Change, Events, Insurance | 21 September 2021
From Venice to Glasgow: The road to COP26 for the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance
As risk managers, re/insurers and investors, the insurance industry plays a key role in supporting the transition to a resilient net-zero emissions economy. This global virtual event will gather experts in climate as well as industry practitioners who will unpack the concept of net-zero insurance.
Climate Change, Investment, News | 14 September 2021
Global Investor Statement: Investors urge govts to undertake five priority actions before COP26
14 September 2021 – In the run-up to the most consequential United Nations climate change conference in years, and on…
Events, Insurance, Nature | 08 September 2021
Nature-Positive Insurance Series
A leadership series convened by UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to set the global agenda for nature-positive insurance.