
Adaptation Finance, Climate Change, News, TCFD | 14 February 2022

One year on from commitments on adaptation: lack of risk data and standards delaying progress

In January 2021, UNEP FI and the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA) came together with ten financial institutions from across banking and investment to commit to disclosing their risks from the physical impacts of climate change. UNEP FI’s Paul Smith reviews the progress made by the group, explains the importance of this commitment, and the issues facing financial institutions trying to accurately disclose their physical risk.

Africa & Middle East, Climate Change, Events, Investment, Webinars | 27 January 2022

Climate-aligned investing in Africa: risk management & portfolio alignment

This event is the first in a series on Climate-aligned investing in Africa run by UNEP FI. A first step towards adaptation to future climate change is reducing vulnerability and exposure to present climate variability. Significant co-benefits, synergies and trade-offs exist between mitigation and adaptation and among different adaptation responses across sectors.

Events, Nature, News, Webinars | 27 January 2022

Sustainable Blue Finance: from guidance to practice

This event aims at showcasing the practical actions taken by financial institutions towards implementing the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles and associated Turning the Tide Guidance. Four leading institutions engaging with sustainable blue finance will introduce a case study ahead of a live Q&A session.