07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Climate Change
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Investment, News | 29 August 2023
NZAOA launches public consultation on the Target Setting Protocol Fourth Edition
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance launches a public consultation on the fourth edition of its Target Setting Protocol. The updates in the draft of the fourth edition concern expansion of asset class coverage. The public is invited to submit their feedback by 29 September.
Banking, Climate Change, Events, Insurance, Investment, Nature, North America, Pollution & Circular Economy, SDGs and Impact, Social | 22 August 2023
UNEP FI at Climate Week NYC 2023
Find out more about UNEP FI's presence at the world's largest climate-focused event.
Climate Change, Events, Investment, Policy, Webinars | 15 August 2023
Reassessing the Global Climate Policy Landscape: Policy Priorities for Investors
Public policy sets the framework in which investors operate and shapes the decisions made by investors and companies on capital…
Climate Change, Net Zero Banking, News | 06 August 2023
BNZ Chief Sustainability Officer explains why the bank joined NZBA
Rebekah Cain, BNZ’s Chief Sustainability Officer, notes that finance is, “a key lever to pull in order to shift the…
Climate Change, Events, Investment, Nature, North America | 27 July 2023
Sustainable Investment Forum North America 2023
The 8th Annual Sustainable Investment Forum North America returns to Climate Week NYC at the Ziegfeld Ballroom on September 19, 2023 in partnership with…
Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Net Zero Banking, Publications | 17 July 2023
The road to banking decarbonisation in MENA
The Middle East and North African (MENA) region is one of the world’s most vulnerable areas to climate change, which…
Africa & Middle East, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Webinars | 13 July 2023
The road to banking decarbonisation: The case of MENA
This webinar will discuss key climate challenges in the MENA region and the role banks can play in mitigating those…
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News, Themes | 13 June 2023
Fulfilling individual fiduciary responsibilities requires a collaborative response to climate risk
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance Chair, Günther Thallinger, argues that responding to climate change is essential for asset owners to fulfil their fiduciary duty and that in order to do so effectively, collaborative efforts are needed.
Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD | 08 June 2023
The 2023 Climate Risk Landscape: Technical Supplement
Understanding the underlying assumptions and definitions used in climate risk assessments is vital for financial institutions integrating climate risk analyses…
Banking, Climate Change, Events, Net Zero Banking, Podcasts | 26 May 2023
Financing the future with Christine Bergeron, CEO of Vancity
As the world faces growing environmental and social challenges, financial organisations are transforming to incorporate ESG concerns into their…