07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Climate Change
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Investment, Net Zero Banking, Publications, Themes, UNEP FI Publications | 30 November 2023
Scaling Private Capital Mobilization: Call to action to heads of state, policymakers and multilateral development bank officials
With the goal of fighting climate change and delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals, ten organisations—representing some of the largest…
Adaptation Finance, Banking, Climate Change, News, Principles for Responsible Banking | 28 November 2023
The Principles for Responsible Banking releases climate adaptation target setting guidance ahead of COP28
In response to the escalating impacts of climate change and the widening gap in adaptation finance, today the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) has unveiled a new publication aimed at guiding banks to set climate adaptation targets.
Adaptation Finance, Banking, Climate Change, PRB Guidance, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications, Target Setting | 28 November 2023
Climate Adaptation Target Setting
The new Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Climate Adaptation Target Setting guidance aims to help banks accelerate their efforts on managing climate-related impacts and financing climate adaptation, by setting adaptation targets using the PRB impact framework.
Climate Change, News, Policy | 24 November 2023
How can policymakers support finance industry action on net-zero: Requiring neutralisation of residual emissions
While the primary and immediate focus must be on swift and deep emission reductions across sectors, the deployment of carbon…
Climate Change, News, Policy | 17 November 2023
How can policymakers support finance industry action on net-zero: Striving for real-economy impact
To facilitate the transformative shift needed to achieve net zero, transparent reporting of transition strategies and planning by governments, regions, companies and sectors is crucial.
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News, Themes | 16 November 2023
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance releases a foundational paper for asset owner expectations of asset managers’ climate engagement
Geneva, 16 November October 2023 – For asset owners, aiming to both achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their…
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, Publications, Themes | 16 November 2023
Elevating Asset Manager Net-Zero Engagement Strategies
Through this discussion paper, the UN-Convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance creates a foundation for asset asset owner expectations of asset managers regarding climate engagement. Specifically, the Alliance sets out principles, requests and practices that are applicable to all Alliance members’ asset managers.
Climate Change, Investment, News, Policy | 13 November 2023
Climate collapse – changing climate policy and investor duties to meet new realities
Ahead of COP28, the Founding Partners of the Investor Agenda and the Legal Framework for Impact project shed light policy environment necessary to scale private climate finance.
Climate Change, News, Policy | 10 November 2023
How can policymakers support finance industry action on net-zero: Establishing an appropriate emission scope
Absolute emissions must be reduced across the entire value chain to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and limit the…
Banking, Climate Change, Events, Principles for Responsible Banking, Webinars | 07 November 2023
Empowering Climate Resilience Through Banking: Principles for Responsible Banking Adaptation Guidance Launch
UNEP FI is delighted to unveil its latest milestone report, the Principles for Responsible Banking Guidance on Climate Adaptation Target…