07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Events, News, Regions, Roundtable events, Roundtables | 14 April 2021
UNEP FI Regional Roundtables on Sustainable Finance 2021
UNEP FI will host its third round of Regional Roundtables on Sustainable Finance in 2021 virtually to provide an opportunity for members and actors in the sustainable finance community to come together locally to discuss the latest trends and innovations, and share good practice.
Asia Pacific, Events, News, Regions, Social, Themes, Webinars | 25 March 2021
Integrating Human Rights into Risk Management: With Thai Govt Pension Fund and Thai Stock Exchange
For investors (institutional investors and asset managers), banks, financial regulators, other financial industry actors, and corporates in Thailand and in the region. The session guides participants in developing their understanding of what is human rights, what are some of the infringements seen in business activities in Thailand and internationally, and what are the best practices by investors and banks to protect human rights.
Europe, Events, Training, Webinars | 23 March 2021
Foro permanente FEF de Finanzas Sostenibles/Forum on Sustainable Finance
UNEP FI collaborated through the chapter "Necessary skills to change finance and finance change" in the report "The role of finance in a sustainable economy" undertaken by the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts / Financial Studies Foundation. The online presentation of the study was on April 27th at 16h CET.
Asia Pacific, Events, News, Roundtable events, Roundtables | 23 March 2021
Regional Roundtable Asia Pacific 2021
UNEP FI is hosting its Regional Roundtable on Sustainable Finance for Asia Pacific as a virtual event on 1–3 June 2021, with the support of DB Insurance and RepRisk.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News, Training | 12 March 2021
Serie de Webinars sobre Ecosistemas y Finanzas Sostenibles en España y América Latina
UNEP FI, Finresp and Ecobusiness fund delivered a Series of Webinars on Ecosystems and Sustainable Finance from April to June 2021; webinars were conducted in Spanish.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 06 March 2021
Integrating climate-related financial risks in the Eastern Caribbean
The United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the French Development Agency (AFD), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) delivered a series of Online Training Workshop on “Integrating climate-related financial risks” aimed at the Eastern Caribbean region from March to October. The training was conducted in English through a series of webinars.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 05 March 2021
Series of webinars on Climate Change and the Financial System in Chile
The Ministry of Finance, through the Green Finance Board of Chile, organized a series of webinars on Climate Policy in Chile and potential effects for the financial system from March to May 2021. The first webinar was held on Thursday March 11 at 10:30 am.
Europe, Events | 03 March 2021
Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2021
UNEP FI is partnering with Climate Action for the 4th annual Sustainable Investment Forum Europe which returns in April 2021 as a 4-part digital event series across 2 weeks.
Africa & Middle East, Climate Change, Events, TCFD, Training | 25 February 2021
Workshops: Climate Risks and TCFD for banks in Egypt and Tunisia
For banks in Egypt and Tunisia, join our series of workshops that will provide you with a better understanding of physical and transition risks as well as climate risk methodologies and tools to strengthen your bank’s resilience and help implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 17 February 2021
Serie de webinars sobre Finanzas Sostenibles para cooperativas de ahorro y crédito de Chile
UNEP FI, COLAC, Fecrecoop, Coopeuch and Coopera delivered a Series of Webinars on Sustainable Finance for savings and credit cooperatives from March to June 2021; webinars were conducted in Spanish.