07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Latin America & Caribbean
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News, Training | 12 March 2021
Serie de Webinars sobre Ecosistemas y Finanzas Sostenibles en España y América Latina
UNEP FI, Finresp and Ecobusiness fund delivered a Series of Webinars on Ecosystems and Sustainable Finance from April to June 2021; webinars were conducted in Spanish.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 06 March 2021
Integrating climate-related financial risks in the Eastern Caribbean
The United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the French Development Agency (AFD), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) delivered a series of Online Training Workshop on “Integrating climate-related financial risks” aimed at the Eastern Caribbean region from March to October. The training was conducted in English through a series of webinars.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 05 March 2021
Series of webinars on Climate Change and the Financial System in Chile
The Ministry of Finance, through the Green Finance Board of Chile, organized a series of webinars on Climate Policy in Chile and potential effects for the financial system from March to May 2021. The first webinar was held on Thursday March 11 at 10:30 am.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 17 February 2021
Serie de webinars sobre Finanzas Sostenibles para cooperativas de ahorro y crédito de Chile
UNEP FI, COLAC, Fecrecoop, Coopeuch and Coopera delivered a Series of Webinars on Sustainable Finance for savings and credit cooperatives from March to June 2021; webinars were conducted in Spanish.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 04 February 2021
Impulsando el mercado de bonos ODS en Paraguay: Casos exitosos de emisores a nivel local e internacional
UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the National Securities Commission (CNV) of Paraguay, WWF Paraguay, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and GOVERNART organized a webinar on SDG Bonds on 25 February 2021, webinar were conducted in Spanish.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 22 December 2020
Webinar sobre ‘Cambio Climático y TCFD: Riesgos y Oportunidades para las Aseguradoras en España y América Latina’
Webinar on 'Climate Change and TCFD: Risks and Opportunities for Insurers in Spain and Latin America. UNEP FI, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and FINRESP co-organized a webinar on “Climate Change and TCFD: Risks and Opportunities for the Insurance Sector in Spain and Latin America ”on 2nd February 2021. The webinar was delivered in Spanish with simultaneous translation in English.
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 02 December 2020
Webinar sobre “Financiamiento para la Economía Circular en Chile y América Latina”
Check the webinar on “Financing for the Circular Economy in Chile and Latin America” that took place on Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Webinars | 16 November 2020
Dialogues about the implementation of Principles for Responsible Banking for LAC
Tenemos el agrado de invitarle al webinar “Diálogos sobre la Implementación de los Principios de Banca Responsable en LAC: Clientes…
Banking, Events, Latin America & Caribbean | 29 September 2020
Webinar: ESG Integration in the Banking Sector in Latin America (Spanish)
This webinar will explore how are banks in Latin America aligning their business strategies to the global and regional sustainability and ESG agenda.