
Asia Pacific, Events, News, Regions, Social, Themes, Webinars | 25 March 2021

Integrating Human Rights into Risk Management: With Thai Govt Pension Fund and Thai Stock Exchange

For investors (institutional investors and asset managers), banks, financial regulators, other financial industry actors, and corporates in Thailand and in the region. The session guides participants in developing their understanding of what is human rights, what are some of the infringements seen in business activities in Thailand and internationally, and what are the best practices by investors and banks to protect human rights.

Banking, PRB Guidance, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications, Social, Target Setting | 03 February 2021

Guidance on Gender Equality Target Setting

The Guidance on Gender Equality Target Setting delivers a practical example of what a gender equality target can look like, providing guidance on the different elements of setting targets in line with the requirements of the PRB, and what alignment with international and national frameworks can look like. Esta guía está disponible en español.