
Recommended Exclusions for Financing a Sustainable Blue Economy

Based on the market-first practical guidance for financial institutions, Turning the Tide, UNEP FI’s recommended exclusions list for a sustainable blue economy provides financial institutions with an overview of activities to exclude from financing due to their damaging impact on the ocean and high risk.

Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks

The Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks outline key principles to underpin the setting of credible, robust, impactful and ambitious targets in line with achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Liability Risk and Adaptation Finance

UNEP FI has partnered with MinterEllison to examine the impact of litigation in adaptation finance and address some of the challenges in scaling up adaptation capital identified in the GCA Adaptation Finance Paper published in 2019. This collaboration led to the publication of “The Forgotten Climate-related Financial Risk: Liability Impacts on Adaptation and Adaptation Finance“ in April 2021.