07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Insuring the net-zero transition: Evolving thinking and practices
As risk managers, insurers and investors, the insurance industry has an important role to play in the transition to a…
Foundations of Climate Mitigation Target Setting
A getting-started guide on setting targets. Learn about the science, process, and context of target setting through this foundation…
Harmful marine extractives: Dredging & marine aggregate extraction
Dredging and marine aggregate extraction are highly damaging to seabed habitats, leading to the loss and removal of species, and…
Principles for Responsible Banking Guidance
The Principles for Responsible Banking Guidance Document is designed to support signatory banks' implementation of the Principles. It provides non-binding guidance to banks on measures they can take to implement each Principle.
The Future of Investor Engagement: A Call for Systematic Stewardship to Address Systemic Climate Risk
This discussion paper centers on investor engagement in support of the net-zero transition and the need for all institutional investors,…
Managing Transition Risk in Real Estate: Aligning to the Paris Climate Accord
Real estate faces significant transition risks as economies decarbonize. To mitigate the impact of potential transition risks, financial institutions active…
The Climate Risk Tool Landscape: 2022 supplement
The financial sector has a central role to play in assessing and managing climate-related risks. To do so, many financial…
A New Approach to Unlocking Private Finance for Climate and the SDGs in Egypt & Morocco
This paper is the product of a UNEP FI Reflective Cycle which investigated how a holistic and more locally driven approach to the SDGs could unlock private finance for climate change and other SDG topics in the MENA region. This process, which was conducted in Egypt and Morocco, combined desk-top research with a series of dialogues with experts and decision-makers from public and private entities from both countries.
Testing a nature-related risk framework in the consumer staples sector
A new report from Global Canopy and UNEP FI identifies key challenges that corporates and financial institutions face in assessing, managing…
Diving Deep: Finance, Ocean Pollution and Coastal Resilience
A science-based, actionable toolkit for banks, insurers and investors to align decision-making with a sustainable blue economy. The Diving Deep Guidance helps financial institutions to break the pollution cycle, including plastics and other solid waste, and manage the impacts of coastal infrastructure projects such as seawalls, while exploring the potential of nature-based solutions including mangroves and reefs. Featuring inspirational photographs by Cristina Mittermeier.