07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Aligning Climate Policy Engagement with Net-Zero Commitments: A foundation for asset owner engagement of asset managers
This discussion paper is aimed to support Alliance members and other asset owners in exercising their fiduciary duty by advocating…
Unlocking Circular Economy Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Catalyst for a Positive Change
The need to move to sustainable production and consumption models that reuse products and preserve the world’s finite natural resources…
Position on the Oil and Gas Sector
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance's Position on the Oil and Gas Sector sets out clear expectations for the three key stakeholder groups: investors, oil and gas companies, and policymakers. Alliance members shall incorporate the guidelines into their individual internal policies in 12 months following the publication. The expectations for companies and policymakers are directed to these actors as well as to Alliance members, who may use them as guidelines for engagement.
Climate Risks in the Real Estate Sector
Designed for banks, investors, insurers and their clients, this brief provides a baseline understanding of the key physical and transition climate-related risks faced by the real estate sector.
Climate Risks in the Agriculture Sector
This brief provides banks, investors, insurers, as well as their clients with a baseline understanding of the key physical and transition climate-related risks faced by the agriculture and aquaculture sectors.
The 2023 Climate Risk Landscape
With worsening impacts of climate change affecting almost every human and natural system across the globe and the critical economic…
Adapting to a New Climate in the MENA Region
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is one of the most vulnerable to physical climate change impacts, putting…
Target-Setting Protocol Third Edition
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance's target-setting framework is outlined in its Target Setting Protocols, which are expanded and rendered more comprehensive annually.
NZIA Target-Setting Protocol Version 1.0
The NZIA Target-Setting Protocol serves as a voluntary best practice guide to aid in the accurate measurement, standardisation, and comparability…
Cómo los Bancos de América Latina y el Caribe se Adaptan al Cambio Climático
A pesar de que el financiamiento para el clima aumentó durante la última década, el financiamiento para la adaptación aún…