
Europe, News | 06 July 2021

UNEP FI welcomes EU Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy

On 6 July 2021, the European Union (EU) published its Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy, showcasing the areas of key development since the Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth was published in March 2018. The publication establishes the strategic priorities and next steps in terms of both legislative and non-legislative actions in the EU with a clear aim to support the EU Green Deal and the path to a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050.

Asia Pacific, Events | 06 June 2021

Workshop on Decarbonization and Climate Disclosure in China

English description available after the Chinese description 2021年6月23日 | 北京时间16:00-18:00  UNEP FI、中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会、PRI和中国责任投资论坛(China SIF)将举办研讨会,探讨中国低碳转型和快速发展的气候相关金融风险披露。对金融行业利益相关方和全球监管方来说,这些披露越来越重要。随着对当前和未来气候风险的关注,气候相关财务信息披露工作组(TCFD)的指导已成为讨论和披露这些风险的重要框架。 本次研讨会将涵盖TCFD披露的良好做法,并探讨国际金融机构如何开展这些披露。此外,参会者还将了解有关低碳转型的净零/碳中和目标设定。利用央行绿色金融网络(NGFS)的参考情景(scenarios),参会者将探讨这些情景对中国的低碳转型之路意味着什么。 欢迎报名并参与我们的讨论。 报名链接 语言:英文/中文(提供同声传译) 议程(北京时间) 16:00  欢迎致辞…

Asia Pacific, Events, News, Regions, Social, Themes, Webinars | 25 March 2021

Integrating Human Rights into Risk Management: With Thai Govt Pension Fund and Thai Stock Exchange

For investors (institutional investors and asset managers), banks, financial regulators, other financial industry actors, and corporates in Thailand and in the region. The session guides participants in developing their understanding of what is human rights, what are some of the infringements seen in business activities in Thailand and internationally, and what are the best practices by investors and banks to protect human rights.

Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 06 March 2021

Integrating climate-related financial risks in the Eastern Caribbean

The United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the French Development Agency (AFD), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) delivered a series of  Online Training Workshop on “Integrating climate-related financial risks” aimed at the Eastern Caribbean region from March to October. The training was conducted in English through a series of webinars.