
Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis Chile

4 noviembre 2016 | Santiago, Chile
Este taller tiene como objetivo sensibilizar al personal de las instituciones financieras sobre las consecuencias y oportunidades generadas por la identificación y evaluación de los riesgos socioambientales de sus clientes y/o socios de inversión, y a su vez enseñar a los participantes cómo detectar, disminuir y evaluar dichos riesgos a través de herramientas utilizadas por instituciones financieras internacionales.

Foro: Promoviendo las Finanzas Sostenibles en el Cono Sur

Jueves 3 de noviembre de 2016 | Santiago, Chile

  • Crear un espacio de diálogo sobre las Finanzas Sostenibles entre los actores de instituciones financieras del Cono Sur.
  • Guiar la construcción de Estrategias Nacionales de Finanzas Sostenibles.
  • Compartir las actividades y proyectos de UNEP FI y promover la participación activa del sector financiero de la sub-región.

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis – Costa Rica

13 October 2016 | San Jose, Costa Rica
UNEP FI/Ecobanking conducted an Introductory Environmental and Social Risk Analysis in-person training workshop, in collaboration with UN-REDD Programme, Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD) and its main operators, and the Superintendence of Financial Institutions (SUGEF).
UNEP FI/Ecobanking organizaron un Taller presencial Introductorio de Capacitación sobre Análisis de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales (ARAS), en colaboración con el Programa ONU-REDD, el Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD) y sus principales operadores, y la Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (SUGEF).

Insuring for sustainable development: Making it happen

5-6 October 2016 | Munich
In October 2016, at the PSI-Allianz international event, “Insuring for sustainable development: Making it happen” in Munich, the PSI firmed up its initiative to develop sustainable insurance underwriting guidelines across lines of business. This initiative is backed by the experience of PSI members in implementing environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk management frameworks in their core business activities, and by the PSI’s global study, led by Munich Re and the International Finance Corporation, on how ESG risks are addressed when underwriting surety bonds for infrastructure projects. These initiatives are shining examples of how the insurance industry can support the SDGs and will be developed further by the PSI in 2017.

Sustainable Investment Forum

20 September 2016 | New York, NY, USA
The Sustainable Investment Forum, organized by Climate Action, will unite 300 stakeholders from national and regional government, international finance, private industry and carbon management sectors for a day of high level discussion and debate during New York Climate Week. UNEPFI Members are eligible for a reduced fee.