
5 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the port sector

The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities for private finance to lend and invest in a sustainable and nature-positive way. Here we look at some of the leading examples of best practice in social and environmental sustainability across the port sector which banks, insurers and investors can seek out.

Sustainable Investment Forum North America 2021

The 6th annual Sustainable Investment Forum North America in partnership with UNEP-FI takes place in September 2021 alongside Climate Week NYC, with the mission to mobilise sustainable investment towards a 1.5 °C world. This year, the Forum is presented as a 4-part digital event series across 2 weeks as part of Climate Action’s Roadmap to COP26 campaign.

Chartered Banker Annual Banking Conference 2021

The overarching theme for this year’s conference will be “responsible banking and the implementation of international standards”. It will consider among other things, how well banks are embedding the UN Principles of Responsible Banking in their organisations, how responsible banking links to the Chartered Banker Institute’s Professional Code of Conduct, and what responsible banking means for the education, training and development of bankers.