
4 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the maritime transportation sector

With the Zero and Low-emission Innovation Forum - co-hosted by the IMO and UNEP - having been held this week, the transformation of the maritime transportation sector is taking centre stage this autumn. In this article we look at some of the leading examples of best practice in social and environmental sustainability across the maritime transportation sector which banks, insurers and investors can seek out.

Thailand flexes financial muscle to grapple with climate crisis

It is increasingly recognized that the finance and banking sectors can have a huge influence on the economy, through the way that they decide to invest in, and fund, businesses, and in Thailand, the UN is helping the government to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable finance.

At the 2-year mark, over 40% of the banking sector now committed to the Principles for Responsible Banking

2 years since launch, we celebrate the Principles for Responsible Banking and the work of signatory banks as they continue along their 4 year journey of implementation. We also welcome new signatories who now number almost 250 banks representing 40% of banking assets worldwide, and take a look forward to the report on collective progress, scheduled for publication in October this year.