
First ESRA Hybrid training in Chinese

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), Ecobanking Project/ INCAE Business School, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, along with China SIF, SynTao Green Finance and RepRisk delivered the first ESRA hybrid training in Chinese. The course was held online from 15 September to 15 October, and a two-day in-person training took place on 14 and 15 October in Beijing.

Semana de Finanzas Sostenibles de Paraguay

The National Securities Commission, UNDP and WWF, with the collaboration of UNEP FI, are organising the Paraguay Sustainable Finance Week. The webinars will take place on 22, 24, and 26 November,


Alas20, CentroRS, PRI, Moody's, ESG Solutions and Governart, with the collaboration of UNEP FI, CECODES, FundSociety and Santiago organized the second Spanish-American Congress on Responsible Investment. The webinars took place in Spanish on 16, 17, 18 and 19 November.

Leading banking institutions launch the Banking for Impact on Climate in Agriculture (B4ICA)

The agriculture and land use sectors represent one quarter of global GHG emissions and banks financing companies and farmers along value chain experiencing data gaps and complexity on the calculation, tracking and target setting of emissions and decarbonization pathways for the agriculture sector . Banks now have a place to to address agriculture’s data gaps and complexity for the finance sector to engage into food and agriculture issues.

Net-Zero Banking Alliance at COP 26

On the heels of COP 26 Finance Day, banking industry leaders met in Glasgow to discuss the leadership role of the banking sector towards net-zero under the UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) – a game-changing commitment through which the banking sector is joining forces and mobilising capital at scale to tackle climate change, the defining issue of the 21st century.