Latin America & Caribbean

Latin America & Caribbean, News | 16 February 2017

ABM is first Latin American Banking Association to become a UNEP FI supporting institution

UN Environment’s Latin America and Caribbean Division is proud to announce that the Association of Mexican Banks (ABM) has joined the UN Environment Finance Initiative as a Supporting Institution - the first Latin American banking association to do so. Recently, ABM has played an exemplary role in leading and encouraging its members to engage on sustainability issues, as well as placing sustainable finance on the stakeholder agenda. The Association will act as a leader of sustainability practices in the banking sector in Mexico and will be an example to the region as a whole. It comprises some 50 institutions with whom it works towards developing and strengthening the Mexican banking sector. It also represents the interests of institutions that are looking to advance technically specialized services, information, and leadership exchanges.

Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News, Training | 16 October 2016

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis Chile

4 noviembre 2016 | Santiago, Chile
Este taller tiene como objetivo sensibilizar al personal de las instituciones financieras sobre las consecuencias y oportunidades generadas por la identificación y evaluación de los riesgos socioambientales de sus clientes y/o socios de inversión, y a su vez enseñar a los participantes cómo detectar, disminuir y evaluar dichos riesgos a través de herramientas utilizadas por instituciones financieras internacionales.

Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News | 15 October 2016

Foro: Promoviendo las Finanzas Sostenibles en el Cono Sur

Jueves 3 de noviembre de 2016 | Santiago, Chile

  • Crear un espacio de diálogo sobre las Finanzas Sostenibles entre los actores de instituciones financieras del Cono Sur.
  • Guiar la construcción de Estrategias Nacionales de Finanzas Sostenibles.
  • Compartir las actividades y proyectos de UNEP FI y promover la participación activa del sector financiero de la sub-región.

Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News, Training | 13 October 2016

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis – Costa Rica

13 October 2016 | San Jose, Costa Rica
UNEP FI/Ecobanking conducted an Introductory Environmental and Social Risk Analysis in-person training workshop, in collaboration with UN-REDD Programme, Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD) and its main operators, and the Superintendence of Financial Institutions (SUGEF).
UNEP FI/Ecobanking organizaron un Taller presencial Introductorio de Capacitación sobre Análisis de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales (ARAS), en colaboración con el Programa ONU-REDD, el Sistema de Banca para el Desarrollo (SBD) y sus principales operadores, y la Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (SUGEF).

Events, Latin America & Caribbean, News, Training | 14 July 2016

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis in the Housing and Construction Sector

15 July 2016 | Lima, Peru In Peru, as well as in other Latin American countries, the regulatory framework on environmental issues is advancing rapidly, posing increasingly demanding challenges, which will guide and encourage the implementation of appropriate environmental and social management of the various economic stakeholders, especially financial institutions that aim at taking the lead on financial issues related to the environment. Since January 2016, a new regulatory framework requires Peruvian banks to perform social and environmental risk assessments. UNEP FI/Ecobanking conducted in Peru an Introductory Environmental and Social Risk Analysis training workshop. The event was organised in collaboration with the Finance Mechanisms for Low Carbon Development Project (FinanCC), which is implemented by GIZ Peru, and Fondo Mivivienda .