07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Banking, Publications, SDGs and Impact | 12 October 2015
Positive Impact Manifesto
The Positive Impact Manifesto invites banks and other financial sector players to think more holistically about their role in the…
Investment, Publications | 28 September 2015
G20 Energy Efficiency Investor Statement
Statement supporting energy efficiency activities and its financing
Investment, Publications | 27 September 2015
Statement by Financial Institutions on Energy Efficiency
Published: 2015 | by: UNEPFI, EBRD Statement by Financial Institutions on Energy Efficiency (776 KB | 1 pages)
Banking, Publications | 15 September 2015
Banking & Sustainability: Time for Convergence
In 2014, the UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL, working with…
Fiduciary Duty publications, Investment, Publications | 08 September 2015
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century
Aims to end the debate surrounding environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and fiduciary duty
Japanese version/summary
Portuguese summary
Events, Investment, News | 07 September 2015
UNEP FI to play significant role at ‘PRI in Person’ conference
8-10 September 2015 | ICC, Excel Centre, London UNEP FI is set to play a key role at the 2015…
Events, Investment, News | 24 August 2015
Webinar: Energy Efficiency in Financing
25 August 2015 | Webinar Two UNEP FI webinars on Energy Efficiency Financing , hosted by the Principles for Responsible…
Insurance, News | 17 June 2015
Insurers Managing $14 Trillion Commit to Backing Sustainable Development
UN Report recommends Creation of Insurance Development Goals, Sustainable Insurance Policy Forum, and Insurance Network on Sustainable Development New York/Geneva/Nairobi,…
Events, Insurance, News | 14 June 2015
UNEP FI’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance to lead at Global Insurance Forum
15 June 2015 | New York, USA The UNEP FI-created Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), the largest collaborative initiative between…
Insurance, Publications | 09 June 2015
Making changes: a learning journey
Climatic challenges, the role of climate information, and what an organizational response can look like