07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Global investors support government action on tobacco control
53 investors, health systems, pension funds and insurers, representing US$3.8 trillion in assets under management, have signed a statement to…
Bonn Ambition: A big step closer to making sustainable cities a reality
The first -ever summit “Insuring Resilient and Sustainable Cities Summit” – convened by the UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance…
United Nations-backed insurance industry initiative and network of local governments to create “Insurance Development Goals for Cities”
UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and ICLEI to set the global agenda on how insurers and cities could…
Asia Pacific, Events, Fiduciary Duty publications, News | 11 May 2017
Fiduciary Duty Japan Roadmap Launch
The Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century Japan Roadmap is to be launched by Mr. Takejiro Sueyoshi, Special Advisor to UN Environment Finance Initiative in the Asia Pacific Region at the RI Asia conference in Tokyo.
Banking, Latin America & Caribbean, Publications | 09 May 2017
El Desarrollo Sostenible en el Sistema Bancario de Argentina- Sustainable Development in the Argentine Banking System
El presente estudio realizado por la Iniciativa Financiera de ONU Ambiente (UNEP FI) y CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de…
Banking, Energy Efficiency, Events, News | 01 May 2017
Third Stakeholder Meeting of the EMF-ECBC Energy Efficiency Mortgages Initiative
UNEP FI supports the Energy Efficient Mortgage Initiative launched last year by the European Mortgage Federation- European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) which will have its third stakeholder meeting and kick off of the Energy Efficient Mortgages Action Plan on June 9.
Asia Pacific, Fiduciary Duty publications, News | 25 April 2017
Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century – Japan Roadmap
The PRI, The Generation Foundation and UNEP FI have launched a series of roadmaps as part of the Fiduciary Duty…
Asia Pacific, Investment, News | 25 April 2017
Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century: Launch of Japan Roadmap
The PRI, The Generation Foundation and UNEP FI have launched a series of roadmaps as part of the Fiduciary Duty in the…
Climate Change, Europe, Events, Investment, News | 24 April 2017
First 2017 in-person meeting of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition
The members of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC), a UNEP FI-convened platform of 30 leading investors worldwide committed to taking bold portfolio action in response to climate change, are convening this week in Stockholm, at the invitation and under the auspices of Scandinavian pension company Storebrand/SPP, a member of the PDC Steering Committee.
Banking, NCFA, Publications | 06 April 2017
Drought Stress Testing Tool
The ‘Drought Stress Testing Tool’ enables banks to assess if a client may be at risk from drought and how drought…