
Events, Insurance, Webinars | 30 August 2018

Webinar: Find out more about the insurance industry’s commitment to protect World Heritage Sites

Currently, there are nearly 1,100 natural, cultural, and mixed (i.e. natural and cultural) World Heritage Sites across the globe. Natural World Heritage Sites, in particular, provide economic, social and environmental benefits. They provide vital resources such as food, fuel and water; perform environmental services such as stabilising soils, preventing floods, and capturing carbon; and contribute significantly to economies through jobs, tourism, recreation, and exports. Find out what action the insurance industry is taking to protect these valuable sites.

Climate Change, Events, Insurance, North America | 24 August 2018

Insurance & Climate Risk Americas: The insurers role in avoiding the next big source of systematic risk in the financial system

This one-day conference brings together the investment, risk, actuarial and underwriting teams to discuss and learn what roles they can play in response to the multidimensional effect of climate risk to their businesses as well as the opportunities it may bring. UNEP FI's Butch Bacani, Programme Leader of the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, will deliver a keynote presentation on climate change action and sustainable development in the context of the insurance industry, financial regulation and global policy frameworks. Discount available for UNEP FI members.

Events, Investment, North America | 02 August 2018

Sustainable Investment Forum North America: Financing Innovation for a Low Carbon Future

The Sustainable Investment Forum North America, held in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative, is the premier meeting space for sustainable finance professionals. Back for its 3rd edition in September 2018 during Climate Week NYC, the forum will welcome over 300 attendees representing asset owners and managers, banks, development institutions, policymakers, think tanks and NGOs looking to drive the sustainability agenda.

Banking, Climate Change, Events, Webinars | 26 July 2018

Webinar: Hear from participants in UNEP FI’s pilot implementing TCFD Recommendations with 16 banks

This Webinar will discuss the results of a collaboration between sixteen of the world’s leading banks with UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), and climate risk and adaptation advisory firm Acclimatise. The banks set out to develop and test a widely applicable scenario-based approach for estimating the impact of climate change on their corporate lending portfolios as recommended by the Recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Hear directly from the banks, climate consultants and UNEP FI secretariat involved in this project.

Asia Pacific, Banking, Insurance, Investment, News | 24 July 2018

Finance sector commits to working together to develop Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia & New Zealand

Finance sector commits to working together to develop Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia & New Zealand Finance sector organisations – including banking, insurance and investment industries, representing over 300 institutions with $10 trillion in assets – have today released a joint statement in support of a sustainable financial system for Australia and New Zealand.