
Banking, Net Zero Banking, News | 11 July 2021

Almost a quarter of global banking assets now in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance

The Net-Zero Banking Alliance, established in April 2021 by 43 founding banks, and convened by UNEP Finance Initiative, has now grown to 53 banks from 27 countries with US$ 37 trillion in total assets – representing almost a quarter of banking assets worldwide. Announced at the G20 Venice International Conference on Climate, the 10 members who have joined since the launch of the Alliance are: ABANCA, AIB, Banco Bradesco S.A., Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Mutuel, Groupe BPCE, MUFG, Nationwide Building Society and Swedbank.

Banking, Net Zero Banking, News | 29 June 2021

Mark Carney urges banks to commit to tackling climate change and join the Net-Zero Banking Alliance

In an interview with ITV News, Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, urged international lenders to join the Net-Zero Banking Alliance before COP26 begins in Glasgow in November. “The question for those institutions is to get themselves in a position so they can make these commitments,” Mr Carney says. “And, to be clear, these are serious commitments. You are committing to net zero, you’re committing to show how you are going to get there."

Banking, Nature, Publications, Target Setting | 24 June 2021

Guidance on Biodiversity Target-setting

The Guidance on Biodiversity Target Setting is designed for PRB signatories, allowing banks to take a systematic approach to setting and achieving biodiversity targets. The guidance presents three real-life case studies, and includes a detailed how-to guide and has been developed by 30 PRB signatories, UNEP FI, UNEP-WCMC and the Science-based Targets Network (SBTN). 

Banking, News | 10 June 2021

Islamic Finance and the Principles for Responsible Banking

Pioneering Islamic Finance and Principles for Responsible Banking Report Launched by the Islamic Finance Council UK (UKIFC), in partnership with Malaysia based International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) and the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI). The report provides an analysis of responsible banking in the Islamic finance sector, assessing the level of engagement with the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) amongst banks in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states and analysing the approaches used by 9 Islamic finance signatories.

Banking, Events, SDGs and Impact | 04 June 2021

Launch: UNEP FI Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool

The Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool was developed to enable signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) to meet their requirements under Principle 2 on impact analysis, namely as a basis for meeting their subsequent requirements under Principle 3 on target-setting. It complements the Bank Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool which focuses on Consumer, Business, Corporate and Investment Banking.