
Banking, Publications | 14 October 2021

Responsible Banking: Building Foundations

Responsible Banking: Building Foundation is the first collective progress report of the Principles for Responsible Banking signatories. It synthesizes individual reporting from over 200 signatories, providing a status update on their progress in implementing the PRB framework, and thereby taking steps to align their business strategies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement.

Insurance, Net Zero Insurance, News | 13 October 2021

Net-Zero Insurance Alliance breaks ground in Africa and Asia as it expands in Europe

13 October 2021—In the run up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26), the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) convened by UN Environment Programme’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (PSI) has expanded its membership, announcing today five new members from Africa, Asia and Europe as part of its efforts to build a global alliance.

Banking, News | 22 September 2021

At the 2-year mark, over 40% of the banking sector now committed to the Principles for Responsible Banking

2 years since launch, we celebrate the Principles for Responsible Banking and the work of signatory banks as they continue along their 4 year journey of implementation. We also welcome new signatories who now number almost 250 banks representing 40% of banking assets worldwide, and take a look forward to the report on collective progress, scheduled for publication in October this year.