
Banking, News | 02 December 2021

28 banks collectively accelerate action on universal financial inclusion and health

A group of 28 banks under the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) has founded a first-of-its-kind commitment to promote universal financial inclusion and foster a banking sector that supports the financial health of customers. This marks the start of a collective journey to accelerate action on financial health and inclusion, alongside some other critical topics of our times, such as climate change, nature loss and pollution.

Banking, Net Zero Banking, News | 05 November 2021

Net-Zero Banking Alliance at COP 26

On the heels of COP 26 Finance Day, banking industry leaders met in Glasgow to discuss the leadership role of the banking sector towards net-zero under the UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) – a game-changing commitment through which the banking sector is joining forces and mobilising capital at scale to tackle climate change, the defining issue of the 21st century.