
Insurance, Net Zero Insurance, News | 07 March 2022

Insurers begin long countdown to net zero (Environmental Finance)

The insurance industry took its biggest step towards decarbonisation with launch of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) in July 2021. Some of the world's biggest insurers have now joined. The NZIA arguably has the potential to be more influential than its investor counterparts in encouraging change among high-emitting companies. Without insurance, companies cannot function.

Banking, Net Zero Banking, News | 03 March 2022

NZBA responds to recent research on fossil fuels, coal

Recent research has outlined perceived inconsistencies between the requirements of the Alliance commitment and the activities of its members. The NZBA wishes to reflect the highest level of ambition in its practices even as it balances that ambition against the pragmatic concerns of our current global economy, and so would like to provide more detail on how it is approaching these issues.

Africa & Middle East, Climate Change, Events, Investment, Webinars | 27 January 2022

Climate-aligned investing in Africa: risk management & portfolio alignment

This event is the first in a series on Climate-aligned investing in Africa run by UNEP FI. A first step towards adaptation to future climate change is reducing vulnerability and exposure to present climate variability. Significant co-benefits, synergies and trade-offs exist between mitigation and adaptation and among different adaptation responses across sectors.