07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment | 31 January 2023
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance working track leads
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News, Themes | 31 January 2023
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance raises expectations for members’ real economy impact with updated Protocol
Third edition of Target-Setting Protocol published, setting out pathway to reducing portfolio emissions for 84 major institutional investors including Aviva,…
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, Publications, Themes | 31 January 2023
Target-Setting Protocol Third Edition
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance's target-setting framework is outlined in its Target Setting Protocols, which are expanded and rendered more comprehensive annually.
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Events, Industries, Investment, Themes | 23 January 2023
Assessing Sovereign Climate-related Opportunities and Risks (ASCOR) project consultation
While investors are making commitments to decarbonise their investment portfolios, there remains a significant methodological gap—there is no internationally-agreed framework…
Climate Change, Insurance, News | 17 January 2023
World-Leading Insurers and United Nations Launch Pioneering Target-Setting Protocol to Accelerate Transition to Net-Zero Economy
Davos, 17 January 2023 – The United Nations-convened Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) today launched the Alliance’s first Target-Setting Protocol at the…
Climate Change, Insurance, Net Zero Insurance, Publications, UNEP FI Publications | 17 January 2023
NZIA Target-Setting Protocol Version 1.0
The NZIA Target-Setting Protocol serves as a voluntary best practice guide to aid in the accurate measurement, standardisation, and comparability…
Banking, Insurance, News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 17 January 2023
New finance leadership group supporting development of international agreement to end plastic pollution
Following the adoption of the historic resolution to forge an international legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution by 2024…
Climate Change, Events, Insurance | 10 January 2023
Launch of the NZIA Target-Setting Protocol
The Target-Setting Protocol of the United Nations-convened Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) will be formally launched at the World Economic Forum…
Asset Owner Alliance, Industries, Investment, Themes | 29 December 2022
Structure and Governance
The Alliance’s Secretariat
Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News | 20 December 2022
NZAOA’s ten most significant moments in 2022
In late 2021, 198 countries – signatories to the UNFCCC — agreed that “efforts towards the phasedown of unabated coal…